Attention all Fathers and Father-figures! Are you interested in spending a day at school, interacting with the students, being a positive role model and providing an extra set of eyes & ears on campus? Sign-up with a Watch D.O.G.S. program and be your student's "Hallway Hero" for the day!

Just 3 EASY Steps to Volunteer for Watch Dogs:
3. Sign-up for a date that works for you (coming soon!)
Once you sign-up, you will receive an email from the 2024-2025 Watch D.O.G.S. coordinator with the following information: 
  • Watch D.O.G.S. Orientation Overview
  • Schedule for the day
On the day you volunteer, you will be given a shirt to wear. If you can, will you offset the cost of these shirts by donating $10 to the PTA (Paypal account: XX)

We'll also send an email to your student's teacher, letting them know you will be volunteering on campus for the day.
If you need to change your schedule, that's okay! Please just let us know as soon as possible so we can give someone else the opportunity to sign-up and volunteer.
If you have any questions at all, email us at
Thank you in advance for volunteering! Together, we truly can make a positive impact on Nichols Elementary.
Pictures of previous Watch D.O.G.S.:

Mr. Shawn Pearson 



Mr. Ben Coogan



Mr. Kevin Casey


 Mr. Sudeep Singh


Mr. Matt Bischoff 


 Mr. Jonathan Arifin


Not pictured but equally appreciated, we would like to recognize, we would like to recognize:

Mr. Marcus Walker, Mr. Stephen Sides, Mr. Daren Perez, and Mr. Yar Savchenko.